I hardly have anything knitting related to report. For the past couple of weeks I have been focused on working and getting everything taken care of that goes with that like: meetings, orientation, buying uniform pants and shirts, and just attempting to get back in the swing of things. Anyway besides working I have been spending some time sightseeing all there is to check out here in fabulous Las Vegas and catching up with friends and co-workers. There certainly is plenty to do in this town. Probably this weekend or the next I will be finishing up the projects that I need to get done, and then starting a new one. The things that I am most excited about is yarn shopping! I have decided that the next thing that I attempt is going to be something I have never done before so we'll see how that goes. In the meantime, here are some pictures of some animals.
This is the Lion that can be found at MGM Grand. It was super cool to check him out. 
Here are some flamingos that are part of the bird exhibit at the Flamingo casino. Also cool to check out.
Good photos. I wonder who took them:}